Gravel Pit Permitting in Franklin

Acquire permit for client to expand existing gravel pit in Franklin, Maine.
The client, Chad Francis of Atlantic Landscape, asked us to apply for a permit to expand an existing, active gravel extraction operation in Franklin. Chad was running out of material to extract and needed to secure a permit to further expand the operation prior to the construction season.
Herrick & Salsbury, Inc., started by mapping the site’s existing features, locating the property’s boundary lines, mapping the contours of the land, and identifying the area where the client desired future extraction.
We assisted in coordinating with a geologist where to install additional water monitoring wells, which are used to establish the elevation of the underlying water table and to gather water samples for water quality monitoring. Gathering and sampling the water prior to excavation sets a baseline of the water quality so any changes to water quality in the future can be compared to prior existing conditions.
An application was submitted to the Town of Franklin Planning Board in January 2019. The board held several meetings and public hearings, and in April 2019, it issued a permit to the client.

See more information on “Rock Quarry, Gravel Pit & Wood-processing Permitting” here.